Gender Based Violence and Half the Sky

Mark your calendars now for our next iZōsh event on April 27, 2013. Please note this is a Saturday morning - and we will meet from 9 - 11 a.m. The book discussion for this event will focus on chapters four and five of Half the Sky. In these chapters, authors Kristoff...

Another Successful Event!

Congratulations to all on a great iZōsh event! More than a hundred women gathered together on Friday, January 11th, for the purposes of granting loans to women in extreme poverty, discussing the book Banker to the Poor by Muhammad Yunus and learning more about...

Next iZōsh Event THIS Friday!

Our next iZōsh event is THIS Friday, January 11 at 7pm at Huron Hills Church. We are looking forward to seeing you there! Our guest speaker is Joan Mussa, Senior VP, Director of Mobilization for World Vision. With over 20 years of working with World Vision in the US...

Our Next Meeting, Friday, October 19

Women, please join us: Friday, October 19, at 7pm Huron Hills Church, 3150 Glazier Way, Ann Arbor, 48105 Our next iZōsh meeting is less than a week away! We can't wait to join together at Huron Hills to give micro loans to women in extreme poverty. It's going to be a...

iZōsh Official Launch Event

On May 12, 2012, 93 women of all ages gathered together for the official launch of a new ministry, iZōsh: Women Investing in Women. Together we learned about the realities of the majority of women today, struggling to feed, educate and care for themselves, their...

iZōsh “Kick-off” Breakfast

Women, please join us: Saturday, May 12, 8:45am-11am Huron Hills Church, 3150 Glazier Way, Ann Arbor, 48105 You are invited you to be a part of an exciting group called iZōsh: Women Investing In Women. The group was founded by a small group of women at Huron Hills...

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