Our next iZōsh event is THIS Friday, January 11 at 7pm at Huron Hills Church. We are looking forward to seeing you there! jmussaOur guest speaker is Joan Mussa, Senior VP, Director of Mobilization for World Vision. With over 20 years of working with World Vision in the US and throughout Africa, Joan will be sharing about her personal experiences with women in extreme poverty all around the world and how micro-loans have made a difference in their lives. She is currently on the Board of VisonFund International and is a University of Michigan Alum. Here are a few important items we want to remind you of before Friday night.

  1. Review the first six chapters of Banker to the Poor, for our book discussion. Even if you don’t have a chance to read it, please still plan to come and enjoy the night!
  2. If you are an iZōsh member, be sure to bring the amount you committed for your dues. Checks can be made out to Huron Hills Church, with iZōsh in the memo line. (Guests will have a chance to join during the first 10 minutes of the event, if they want.) If you are unable to attend this week, submit your dues with a friend or mail the check ahead of time to Attn: iZosh, Huron Hills Church, 3150 Glazier Way, Ann Arbor, 48105 so that we can be sure to include it in the total amount.
  3. Propose a Recipient! We will be sending out an email Wednesday night at 7pm with all the details on how to do this. Be sure to watch for that email!

We look forward to another meaningful and celebratory night with you! In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us at contact@iZosh.org if you have any questions.

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