Gather. Give. Learn. Celebrate.

Gather. Give. Learn. Celebrate. These are the components of a usual iZōsh Chapter Event and each one is powerful in its own way. We gather with each other, shoulder to shoulder, to truly see each other—the needs and joys, abundance and lack—and face the world...

The Joy of Giving

A reflection on giving and being seen by Karen Peach, iZōsh International Board Member 'Tis the season to deck the halls, bake more cookies than is wise to consume, sing beloved carols proclaiming our Savior’s birth, and, not to be forgotten, pick out the perfect...

Microloans and Well-Being

iZōsh International grants microloans exclusively to women. So far in 2022, iZōsh Chapter Events have funded microloans for 43 women! As an organization focused on women, this comes as no surprise. We celebrate investing in women, supporting female entrepreneurs and...

Microloans: Gifts that Keep Giving 

iZōsh International Board Member Peace Akol shares her story  My first contact with microlending was through my mother’s experience running a small business in Kampala, Uganda where I grew up. My mother’s retail business was partly financed through microloans....

Economic Empowerment Works!

Georgia and her husband, Steve, in Honduras tasting coffee from a thriving co-op.  Georgia McCoy, a member of the World Vision National Leadership Council and the Strong Women Strong World Council, shares her observations from a recent vision trip to see World...

Gather. Give. Learn. Celebrate.

Gather. Give. Learn. Celebrate. These are the components of a usual iZōsh Chapter Event and each one is powerful in its own way. We gather with each other, shoulder to shoulder, to truly see each other—the needs and joys, abundance and lack—and face the world...

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