Scroll to the end of this post to download a PDF version of the iZōsh International Spring 2023 Newsletter

A Note from the iZōsh International President

Dear iZōsh Members,

As iZōsh International President, it has been my joy and honor to work with the Chapter Chairs and Co-Chairs to determine how iZōsh International may provide dynamic support for each iZōsh Chapter Event. iZōsh Chapter Chairs definitely understand that hosting an iZōsh Event is an undertaking requiring multiple strong leaders with specific skill sets. iZōsh Chapter Events are always educational, inspiring, participatory, and fun! And in this newsletter, we want to celebrate those who make it happen!

It’s about Leadership!

As a former Chair of the Ann Arbor iZōsh Chapter, I know how important each and every leader was to each iZōsh Event’s success. (It’s not just about the Speaker!). In any spectacular event there are always people working ‘up front’ and ‘behind the scenes’ to make the Event seem easy and seamless. I am so thankful for iZōsh leaders’ desire for excellence, innovation, enthusiasm, and dependability. But don’t just listen to me. Reading page three of the spring newsletter to hear what our current iZōsh Chapter Chairs are saying about their leadership teams!

Let’s Talk Numbers

iZōsh Events have resulted in North American women providing $313,794 to 942 women since our inception. Yea! How wonderful! It is actually staggering to think about what we’ve been able to accom-plish together, especially when the amounts have accumulated to be so high.

Thinking about the numbers accumulating can drive us to want to set BIG GOALS to get MORE dollars to provide MORE loans to MORE women. It’s a natural thing to want to grow numerically. However, I propose that the accumulation of the numbers can easily turn into something that is more focused on us and our accomplishments instead of appreciating the fact that a microloan is a huge opportunity for a woman to lift herself out of extreme poverty and change her children’s trajectory.

I would like to challenge us to NOT be so focused on the numbers that we forget the amazing impact that one microloan has on a woman living in extreme poverty. Getting to play even a small in role in just one woman’s progress and accomplishments is a beautiful and impactful privilege. It is understanding this fact that fuels our enthusiasm to keep on!

Robin Phillips
President, iZōsh International

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